Registration for the 2025/2026 school year starts in January.
Please call us at 201-337-5609 for more information or to make an appointment to visit.
Age groupings are based on the child’s age as of Oct. 1 of each year. Children in the 2’s and 3’s classes do not have to be toilet trained.
Sessions are offered Monday-Friday (the 2’s class is offered in the morning only).
Morning, 9 – 12
Full, 9 – 2:45
Lunch, 12 – 12:30
Extra Sessions or extended hours are available on per diem basis.
Tuition is a yearly fee that can be paid all at once or spread over 10 monthly payments. No credit or make up days will be allowed for absences due to illness, withdrawl, religious or legal holidays, snow days, or days off on our school calendar.
For tuition rates please contact us at 201-337-5609.